The diverse research topics at the ILH can be found in the three research fields of

Materials and interfaces - Our research on high-performance materials addresses material behaviour on different size scales.

Production technology and processes - Forming technology, joining and assembly technology as well as plastics technology are central areas of manufacturing technology at ILH.

Methods and models - Simulation technology is essential to minimize costs for time-consuming and expensive experiments.

Co­oper­at­ive ILH pro­jects

2 projects were found

NeMo.bil – System of cooperating vehicles for individualised public transport

Programme line: New vehicle and system technologiesIn the joint project "NeMo.bil", an innovative, swarm-like mobility system is being developed and prototyped. This enables a new form of sustainable and demand-oriented passenger and goods transport in rural areas. To this end, a new systemic approach is being pursued that combines swarms of ...

Duration: 07/2023 - 06/2026

Funded by: BMWK

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Marten

Project image

Light - Efficient – Mobile. Energy- and cost-efficient extreme lightweight construction with hybrid materials

The NRW Research College "Light - Efficient - Mobile" (FK LEM) simultaneously addressed important societal challenges such as resource efficiency, environmentally friendly mobility, climate protection, but also various aspects in other areas such as medical technology. A key to solving these challenges lies in the implementation of an extremely ...

Duration: 08/2014 - 12/2022

Funded by: MKW NRW

At a Glance

Clipboard with clothing sketch on it.


Lesen Sie mehr zu kooperativer Forschung im ILH.

Arbeiten der jun­gen Fors­cher­innen und Forscher

Erfahren Sie hier, wer nach der Promotion weiter an Themen des ILH forscht.


Als neue Form der Graduiertenförderung des Landes NRW startete 2014 an der Universität Paderborn das Forschungskolleg "Leicht-Effizient - Mobil".


Hier finden Sie eine Liste der im Research Information System (RIS) eingetragenen aktuellen Veröffentlichungen der Wissenschaftler*innen des ILH und eine Übersicht über die in der Schriftenreihe des ILH veröffentlichten Dissertationen.

Berichte aus dem Maschinen­bau

In den Jahresberichten der Fakultät für Maschinenbau finden Sie aktuelle Informationen zu Studium und Forschung.

Berichte aus den Natur­wis­senschaften

The Faculty of Science reports regularly on its activities in the form of biennials

DFG ge­förderte Forschungs­großger­äte im ILH