A warm wel­come to Prof. Dr. Iryna Mozgova and her team as new mem­bers of ILH

A new chair enriches the ILH consortium. In August 2022, Prof. Dr. Iryna Mozgova succeeded Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Koch as head of Data Management in Mechanical Engineering (DMB), which focuses on additive manufacturing and data analysis / public safety. The research areas include a number of important cross-cutting issues such as design, product development and quality management. Data management is a central and connecting topic that plays an essential role in all of these areas.

As a central scientific institution of the Paderborn University, the ILH networks the research areas relevant to lightweight construction in order to initiate both basic research-oriented and application-oriented collaborative projects. It provides the framework for the formation of a proven consortium of the various disciplines and competences for research questions in lightweight design. With the inclusion of the DMB, the ILH gains competence in this increasingly important field. We look forward to working together in a spirit of partnership and success.