Blossoming chestnut trees on the campus of Paderborn University.

Sus­tain­able Ma­ter­i­als, Pro­cesses and Products

The ILH is as an interdisciplinary research institute in Paderborn Universiy´s key research area “Sustainable Materials, Processes and Products”.

Pader­born In­sti­tute for Ad­dit­ive Fab­ric­a­tion (PIAF)

ILH groups also conduct research on additive manufacturing and are active in PIAF.

Blau beleuchtete Prüfmaschine

Sci­entif­ic Re­search Part­ners

Cooperation with other research groups spans various disciplines, close within the Paderborn University and throughout Germany and internationally with other research institutes.

In­dustry Part­ners

The ILH cooperates, for example, with companies in the automotive industry, aerospace, plant engineering and the chemical industry. It´s a comprehensive list, only a few examples can be mentioned here...
Arburg GmbH + Co KG, BASF SE, Benteler AG, DMG Mori, Heggemann AG, Marel Poultry B.V., Thyssenkrupp Steel, VW AG...

Com­pos­ites United e.V.

The ILH is a member of the Composites United e.V.

Registered in Leichtbauatlas


The ILH is listet in the LEICHTBAUATLAS, a skills maps of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
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