The diverse research topics at the ILH can be found in the three research fields of

Materials and interfaces - Our research on high-performance materials addresses material behaviour on different size scales.

Production technology and processes - Forming technology, joining and assembly technology as well as plastics technology are central areas of manufacturing technology at ILH.

Methods and models - Simulation technology is essential to minimize costs for time-consuming and expensive experiments.

At a Glance

Clipboard with clothing sketch on it.

Re­search re­ports

Read more about cooperative research at ILH.

The work of young re­search­ers

Find out here who will continue to research ILH topics after completing their doctorate.

Re­search col­lege

As a new form of graduate funding in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the “Light-Efficient - Mobile” research college was launched at the University of Paderborn in 2014.


Here you will find a list of the current publications by ILH scientists registered in the Research Information System (RIS) and an overview of the dissertations published in the ILH series.

Re­ports from mech­an­ic­al en­gin­eer­ing

In the annual reports of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering you will find current information about studies and research.

Re­ports from the nat­ur­al sci­ences

The Faculty of Science reports regularly on its activities in the form of biennials

Ma­jor re­search in­stru­ment­a­tion at ILH