CMP - Coat­ings, Ma­ter­i­als & Poly­mers

The focus in the Bremser working group (Coatings, Materials & Polymers) is on the synthesis of polymers, particles and hybrid systems that are used both for coatings and for various materials. Their material properties are characterized macroscopically and microscopically. The layout of modern hybrid systems raises a variety of new material issues. The processes in the boundary phases between the composite materials are a special focus.

Read more on the working group's page.




  • Synthesis and structuring of complex hybrid systems
  • Synthesis and structuring of complex colloidal materials
  • Synthesis and structuring of colloidal particles Functional Coating

Meth­od­ic­al com­pet­ence

  • Dispersion synthesis
  • Particle synthesis
  • Functional polymers
  • Synthesis and formulation of hybrid systems
  • Formulation of coating systems
  • Formulation of adhesive systems
  • Particle and material analytics
  • Analysis of complex materials
  • Paint testing



  • Training
  • Process chain investigations
  • Technology assessment

Hierarchical systems

  • Structuring process
  • Gradient systems
  • Inorganic-organic hybrid systems
  • Biomimetic Coatings

 Particle structures

  • Nucleation
  • Structure
  • Functionalization