LWF - Labor­at­ory of Ma­ter­i­als and Join­ing Tech­no­logy

The Laboratory of Materials and Joining Technology (LWF) is a nationally and internationally recognized research institute with a focus on the fields of joining technology and materials technology. Joining techniques for both homogeneous and mixed material combinations are focused, in particular adhesive bonding, mechanical joining, hybrid joining and special welding processes.

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Key objectives of the LWF are economic development and manufacturing of energy-efficient and affordable lightweight structures by generating research results about joining processes, material-specific knowledge and joint construction.

Meth­od­o­lo­gic­al Skills

A major research focus is the development of material-optimized joining techniques in particular for hybrid materials and multi-material design. In addition to the development of joining processes a competence of the Chair is to develop methods for experimental and numerical process simulation, stress analysis and lifetime prediction of joined hybrid structures under application-related conditions.


Research priorities are the Materials and Joining Technology, in particular adhesive bonding, mechanical joining, hybrid joining and special welding processes. The LWF offers numerous courses about fundamentals of Materials and Joining Technology as well as about latest findings of research with a high application relevance. The LWF is a certified training center for mechanical joining and hybrid joining according to guidelines of DVS / EFB.

Prof. Ger­son Mes­chut

business-card image

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerson Meschut

Institute for Lightweight Design with Hybrid Systems

Vorstand ILH

Write email +49 5251 60-3031