The ILH currently has many research groups from the mechanical engineering (ME) and natural sciences (NC), departments’ chemistry and physics. These include teams that focus on specific materials such as metals, polymers, fibre reinforced composites and hybrid materials or address the interfaces of materials. Others concentrate on technology and processing or on simulation and special investigation methods. This combination of diverse expertise is the basis for complex research issues of hybrid systems, because at the ILH we consider the entire product life cycle of hybrid systems. This extends from material development, product and product system development, production and simulation to repair and recycling concepts.

Or­gan­isa­tion­al Struc­ture

Ex­ec­ut­ive Board

The professors, one academic staff member and one technical staff member, as well as a student representative, form the ILH Board and lead the institute.

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The ILH's administration, coordination and research management is the responsibility of the ILH's managing director, Dr Silvia Dohmeier-Fischer.


Ad­vis­ory Board

The ILH Advisory Board is made up of members from research, industry and politics. Its role is the provision of advice to the ILH management on strategic issues of research development and design.

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The ILH is linked to a wide network of industry and research partners and presents it's results at international exhibitions.

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The spe­cial­ist and work­ing groups

An in­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary team

Ten professors from Paderborn University and their teams from the disciplines of mechanical engineering, chemistry and physics pool their expertise at the ILH.

The ILH team maintains a lively exchange at the level of the scientific staff.

Coat­ings, Ma­ter­i­als and Poly­mers | CMP

The focus in the Bremser working group is on the synthesis of polymers, particles and hybrid systems that are used for coatings as well as for various materials.

Personen der Fachgruppe Datenmanagement im Maschinenbau stehen auf einer Treppe.

Data Man­age­ment in Mech­an­ic­al En­gin­eer­ing | DMB

The Division of Data Management in Mechanical Engineering (DMB) conducts research in the fields of additive manufacturing, data organisation and data analytics.

Eine Gruppe steht auf einer Treppe.

Plastics Tech­no­logy Pader­born | KTP

Research and development at Kunststofftechnik Paderborn revolves around polymers as innovative materials.

Light­weight con­struc­tion in the auto­mobile | LiA

The chair researches innovative solutions for automotive lightweight construction with a focus on the main research areas of ultra-high-strength metallic materials, fibre-reinforced materials and hybrid materials.

Chair of Form­ing and Ma­chin­ing Tech­no­logy | LUF

Today, forming technology is often the key to the efficient and resource-saving production of innovative, novel products with high utility value.

Group photo of the LWF on a staircase of the Audimax of Paderborn University

Labor­at­ory of Ma­ter­i­als and Join­ing Tech­no­logy | LWF

The focus of the institute is on the fields of joining technology, both for pure material combinations and especially for mixed construction joints (hybrids), as well as materials technology.

Gruppenbild der Mitarbeitenden des LWK im Labor

Chair of Ma­ter­i­als Sci­ence | LWK

The main focus of the Chair of Materials Science (LWK) is the investigation of the interrelationships between production processes, the microstructure of the components generated by these processes and the technical properties derived from them.

Der Lehrstuhl des NIWI (Stand 2024)

Sus­tain­able In­dus­tri­al­iz­a­tion and Re­si­li­ent In­fra­struc­ture | Ni­Wi

The Chair of Sustainable Industrialization and Resilient Infrastructure focuses on the holistic approach to energy supply, climate-, energy- and resource-efficient production, as well as the sustainable transformation of industrial companies.

Nano­struc­tur­ing-Nanoana­lyt­ics-Photon­ic Ma­ter­i­als | NNP

The Chair of Nanostructuring, Nanoanalytics and Photonic Materials investigates methods for the production of nanostructured solid surfaces.

Das Team des SWM (Stand 2025)

Struc­tur­al and Ma­ter­i­als Mech­an­ics | SWM

The Chair of Structural and Materials Mechanics focuses on experiments, modeling and numerical methods.

Eine Gruppe von Mitarbeitenden steht auf der Wiese vor einem Unigebäude

Tech­nic­al and Mac­ro­molec­u­lar Chem­istry | TMC

The Chair of Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry focuses its research on molecular adhesion, interfacial chemistry, stability of polymer/oxide/metal interfaces and self-healing processes.

Facts and Fig­ures about the ILH

Theses in the ILH pub­lic­a­tion series

The ILH series "Leichtbau mit Hybridsystemen" has published 63 theses. In addition, there are numerous other dissertations from the specialist groups that have been published elsewhere (predominantly published in German).

Re­search and ad­min­is­tra­tion staff

213 people work under the ILH umbrella (as of December 2022).

Die Entwicklung Drittmittel des ILH (EN)(Stand 2023)

Third-party fund­ing from the spe­cial­ist groups in­volved in the ILH

Third-party funding- across all research areas - raised by all ILH departments has increased significantly from €6.4 million at the time of its foundation to €11 million in 2021 (as of 2022).