Organigramm als Haus mit den elf Fachgruppen des ILH

ILH Re­search Groups

Eleven professors from Paderborn University and their teams from the disciplines of mechanical engineering, chemistry and physics pool their expertise in the ILH.

The ILH team maintains a lively exchange at the level of the scientific staff.

Coat­ings, Ma­ter­i­als and Poly­mers | CMP

The Bremser group focuses on synthesising polymers, particles and hybrid systems that can be used for coatings as well as for various materials.

Personen der Fachgruppe Datenmanagement im Maschinenbau stehen auf einer Treppe.

Data Man­age­ment in Mech­an­ic­al En­gin­eer­ing | DMB

The Division of Data Management in Mechanical Engineering (DMB) conducts research in the fields of additive manufacturing, data organisation and data analytics.

Eine Gruppe steht auf einer Treppe.

Kun­st­stoff­tech­nik Pader­born | KTP

Research and development at Kunststofftechnik Paderborn revolves around polymers as innovative materials.

Mitarbeitende des Lehrstuhls für Leichtbau im Automobil stehen vor dem Y-Gebäude auf dem Campus der Uni Paderborn

Auto­mot­ive Light­weight Design | LiA

The Chair researches innovative solutions for automotive lightweight design with a focus on ultra-high-strength metallic materials, fibre-reinforced materials and hybrid materials.

Form­ing and Ma­chin­ing Tech­no­logy | LUF

Today, forming technology is often the key to the efficient and resource-saving production of innovative, novel products with high utility value.

Group photo of the LWF on a staircase of the Audimax of Paderborn University

Labor­at­ory for Ma­ter­i­al and Join­ing Tech­no­logy | LWF

The focus of the institute is on joining technology, both for pure material combinations and especially for hybrid joints, as well as materials technology.

Gruppenbild der Mitarbeitenden des LWK im Labor

Ma­ter­i­als Sci­ence | LWK

The main focus of the Department of Materials Science (LWK) is to investigate the relationships between manufacturing processes, the microstructure of the components produced by these processes and the technical properties derived from them.

Der Lehrstuhl des NIWI (Stand 2024)

Sus­tain­able In­dus­tri­al­iz­a­tion and Re­si­li­ent In­fra­struc­ture | NI­WI

The Chair of Sustainable Industrialization and Resilient Infrastructure looks at sustainability topics related to mechanical engineering from various aspects and thus combines current topics of the ILH in an interdisciplinary way.

Nan­o­pat­tern­ing - Nanoana­lys­is - Photon­ic Ma­ter­i­als | NNP

Methods for the production of nanostructured solid surfaces are investigated at the Chair of Nanostructuring, Nanoanalytics and Photonic Materials.

Das Team des SWM (Stand 2025)

Struc­tur­al and Ma­ter­i­als Mech­an­ics | SWM

The Chair of Structural and Materials Mechanics focuses on experiments, modeling and numerical methods.

Eine Gruppe von Mitarbeitenden steht auf der Wiese vor einem Unigebäude

Tech­nic­al and Mac­ro­molec­u­lar Chem­istry | TMC

The Chair of Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry focuses its research on molecular adhesion, interfacial chemistry, stability of polymer/oxide/metal interfaces and self-healing processes.