The next Mechanical Engineering Forum will take place on 24 September.
This time there will not only be an exciting presentation from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, but also five short presentations from faculty members and partners. All of them will focus on research funding, especially with regard to the important topic of sustainability. Experience a varied presentation with concrete examples.
This autumn, the forum is part of a…
With mixed feelings Professor Mahnken was sent into his well deserved retirement on 29th February 2024, after an impressive career. Because of his long time dedication and outstanding performance he inspired and shaped many students.
His engagement for education and his tireless efforts for science have built a solid base for countless academic successes. His entire scientiffic work includes three textbooks on technical mechanics and more than…
Alexander Schlüter has been a new lecturer at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering since January 2024. The newly established endowed professorship was created in collaboration with the Bette family business from Delbrück. Prof. Schlüter's Chair of Sustainable Industrialisation and Resilient Infrastructure conducts interdisciplinary research into the holistic approach to energy supply, production processes and products over their entire life…
Michael Kröker was awarded the Brose Prize by the "Wisssenschaftlicher Arbeitskreis Kunststofftechnik, WAK" (Scientific Working Group Plastics Technology) for his doctoral thesis on "Experimental and model-based investigations into the process behavior of semi-crystalline materials in the special injection molding process GITBlow", supervised by Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Moritzer. The Brose Prize is awarded for the development and research of new…
The NeMo.bil (New Mobility) project consortium has reached an important milestone: The German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection is funding the NeMo.bil project to the tune of € 30 million. The aim of the project is to create an innovative, swarm-capable mobility system that will serve as a beacon for the whole of Germany and enable a new form of sustainable and demand-driven passenger and freight transport in rural areas. The…
The International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM) is the leading international research conference on fibre-reinforced plastics and has been held every two years since 1975. The international conference brings together representatives from academia and industry to present the results of research and development projects. In addition to the optimisation of material and component properties, a particular focus is on the sustainability and…
A new chair enriches the ILH consortium. In August 2022, Prof. Dr. Iryna Mozgova succeeded Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Koch as head of Data Management in Mechanical Engineering (DMB), which focuses on additive manufacturing and data analysis / public safety. The research areas include a number of important cross-cutting issues such as design, product development and quality management. Data management is a central and connecting topic that plays an…
The heart of the technical centre in the ILH research building at the Paderborn University is being installed!
The 11 m high hydraulic double-column forming press, manufactured by Schuler Pressen GmbH, was delivered on 16 May and is now being installed in the centre of the experimental areas for materials technology, plastics technology and FRP processing. With a nominal force of 10,000 kN, it is the largest press available to the ILH. Funded by…
Am 21.02.2023 fand am Institut für Leichtbau mit Hybridsystemen (ILH) die erste Sitzung der Ende 2022 eingerichteten neuen Beiräte vom ILH und Paderborner Institut für Additive Fertigung (PIAF) statt.
In February, the research project "carboHEAT" funded by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) was successfully completed over the past 18 months in cooperation with the project partners of Hotset GmbH. In the future, heatable hybrid structures based on recycled carbon fibre fleeces (rCF) can be produced for a variety of further applications in addition to the project's focus on use as a heated floor panel in camping vehicles.…
Innerhalb von nur 10 Tagen ist es uns gemeinsam gelungen über 22.000 Euro für die Beschaffung eines Notstromaggregats zu sammeln. Es wurde bereits vor einigen Tagen bestellt und kann voraussichtlich die Reise noch Ende 2022 in die Ukraine antreten.
Bei dieser Gelegenheit gaben Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mirko Schaper und Prof. Dr. Thomas Tröster (ILH) Einblicke in moderne Fahrzeugtechnik und Verkehrskonzepte, Energieversorgung und Digitalisierung anhand der Initiative „Neue Mobilität Paderborn“.
Die Initiative „Neue Mobilität Paderborn“ (NeMo Paderborn) veranstalte anlässlich des Jubiläumsjahres der Universität Paderborn ein Wissenschaftscafé unter dem Titel „Mobilität im Dialog – Vernetzung von Land und Stadt“.
Fahrzeuge umweltfreundlicher und effizienter herstellen – das ist das Ziel eines neuen Forschungsprojekts unter der Leitung des Lehrstuhls für „Leichtbau im Automobil“ (LiA) an der Universität Paderborn.