The diverse research topics at the ILH can be found in the three research fields of

Materials and interfaces - Our research on high-performance materials addresses material behaviour on different size scales.

Production technology and processes - Forming technology, joining and assembly technology as well as plastics technology are central areas of manufacturing technology at ILH.

Methods and models - Simulation technology is essential to minimize costs for time-consuming and expensive experiments.

Pro­jekte der ILH-Fach­grup­pen

8 projects were found

Goal-oriented adaptivity for non-linear homogenizations using hierarchical models

The development and the production of innovative products using novel materials require in-depth knowledge of simulation methods for a safe design of components and machines. The increasing use of heterogeneous materials like composites in the industrial praxis has made the finite element (FE) simulation using homogenization techniques a ...

Duration: 07/2020 - 06/2025

Funded by: DFG

Experiments, modeling and parameter identification for inhomogeneous distortion states of plastics with induced anisotropy

The project deals with the experimental characterization, modeling and parameter identification of polycarbonate (PC) films which receive a so-called "self-reinforcement" by cold-forming (pre-stretching). In this way, the initially isotropic material experiences a strain-induced anisotropy. Thus, properties such as strength and ductility can be ...

Duration: 10/2018 - 07/2024

Funded by: DFG

Project image

Light - Efficient – Mobile. Energy- and cost-efficient extreme lightweight construction with hybrid materials

The NRW Research College "Light - Efficient - Mobile" (FK LEM) simultaneously addressed important societal challenges such as resource efficiency, environmentally friendly mobility, climate protection, but also various aspects in other areas such as medical technology. A key to solving these challenges lies in the implementation of an extremely ...

Duration: 08/2014 - 12/2022

Funded by: MKW NRW

At a Glance

Clipboard with clothing sketch on it.

Re­search re­ports

Read more about cooperative research at ILH.

The work of young re­search­ers

Find out here who will continue to research ILH topics after completing their doctorate.

Re­search col­lege

As a new form of graduate funding in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the “Light-Efficient - Mobile” research college was launched at the University of Paderborn in 2014.


Here you will find a list of the current publications by ILH scientists registered in the Research Information System (RIS) and an overview of the dissertations published in the ILH series.

Re­ports from mech­an­ic­al en­gin­eer­ing

In the annual reports of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering you will find current information about studies and research.

Re­ports from the nat­ur­al sci­ences

The Faculty of Science reports regularly on its activities in the form of biennials

Ma­jor re­search in­stru­ment­a­tion at ILH