The diverse research topics at the ILH can be found in the three research fields of
Materials and interfaces - Our research on high-performance materials addresses material behaviour on different size scales.
Production technology and processes - Forming technology, joining and assembly technology as well as plastics technology are central areas of manufacturing technology at ILH.
Methods and models - Simulation technology is essential to minimize costs for time-consuming and expensive experiments.
At a Glance
Major research instrumentation at ILH

- Anlage zur Miniaturisierung von Materialsynthese
- Fügezelle
- Heizplattenpresse
- Spritzgießanlage zur Herstellung von GITBlow-Formteilen
- Multiprobegerät mit near ambient pressure Photoelektronenspektroskopie (NAP-XPS)
- Scattering Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscope
- Doppelschneckenextruder
- Hochgeschwindigkeitsprüfsystem
- Biaxial-Prüfmaschine
- Laser Deposition Welding Machine
- Universal Hydraulic Press
- High-Speed Atomic Force Microscope