Welcome to the ILH

Lightweight design is a key technology with great potential for saving resources. Less material is used in lightweight design products and light vehicles need less fuel or lighter electric vehicles have a longer range. But beyond the automotive and transport industry, there are numerous other applications for lightweight design, for example in medical technology, the construction industry or the leisure sector.
At the Institute for Lightweight Design with Hybrid Systems (ILH), we focus on hybrid lightweight structures. They are characterized by the fact that the interaction of different materials gives them special properties, e.g. in terms of stiffness or strength. Through the resource-efficient fusion of new materials and smart structures, they meet a wide range of requirements with maximum weight savings.
However, new materials and material combinations also create new challenges in terms of maintenance, repair and reuse of lightweight products. This is why research in this field is so important. Therefore we practice intensive knowledge transfer between engineering and natural sciences at the ILH and address research questions in the field of basic and applied research in interdisciplinary project teams.
Take a look at this YouTube video to see where we work and what ideas we pursue.

Your contact persons

Dr. Silvia Dohmeier-Fischer

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Prof. Dr. Thomas Tröster

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Guido Grundmeier

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We wel­come the Chair of Sus­tain­able In­dus­tri­al­isa­tion and Re­si­li­ent In­fra­struc­ture (NI­WI) as a new spe­cial­ist group at the ILH

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Dis­cus­sion on the use of FRP in the auto­mot­ive in­dustry

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Lisa Tölle (KTP) wins WAK award

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We warmly wel­come Pro­fess­or Dr.-Ing. Os­t­wald, Head of the Chair of Struc­tur­al and Ma­ter­i­als Mech­an­ics

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2nd Joint Meet­ing of the DM­RC and ILH Ad­vis­ory and Ex­ec­ut­ive Boards

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Event re­view: OWL3D and Mech­an­ic­al En­gin­eer­ing For­um con­nect re­search and in­dustry

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At a Glance


The ILH currently has eleven research groups in mechanical engineering (MB) and the natural sciences (NW) of chemistry and physics.

Blau beleuchtete Prüfmaschine


The research topics covered by the ILH are grouped into the research areas of Materials and Interfaces, Production Technologies and Processes, and Methods and Models.

Two people wearing protective clothing in a machine hall.


The Technical Centre, located in the Lightweight Design Research Building, offers some 2000 square metres of state-of-the-art equipment for the manufacture and testing of components.

Kids Box

Das ILH unterstützt die Mitarbeitenden im Hinblick auf die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf duch die Bereitstellung der KidsBox.
Die KidsBox ist ein mobiles Kinderzimmer, enthält Spielzeug für Babys und Kinder bis ins Grundschulalter und bietet Schlaf- und Wickelmöglichkeiten.

How to find us

Lageplan des Y Gebäudes und Umgebung

The ILH is located on campus in the Y building, Mersinweg 7.

Dr. Silvia Dohmeier-Fischer

Institute for Lightweight Design with Hybrid Systems
Room Y2.101
Paderborn University
Mersinweg 7
33100 Paderborn

Office hours

Mon. to Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.