Quasi­st­at­ic ma­ter­i­al test­ing

High-tem­per­at­ure creep test­ing ma­chine

Cup­ping test­ing ma­chine < 400° C

Technical specifications

  • Nakajima punch Ø 100 mm
  • Cupping tests up to 400° C by heating punch and tools
  • Various proven lubrication systems to minimise friction at different temperature ranges
  • Maximum punch force up to 1000 kN
  • Force recording up to 250 kN
  • Displacement measuring system for recording the punch displacement
  • Inline measurement of strain using optical measuring systems (gom ARAMIS)


  • Cupping tests according to DIN EN ISO 12004-2 to determine forming limit curves for different materials, sheet thicknesses and temperature ranges


Cup­ping test­ing ma­chine > 400° C

Technical specifications

  • Nakajima stamp Ø 100 mm
  • Cupping tests up to 800° C in isothermal furnace atmosphere
  • Sluice system for sample feeding
  • Maximum punch force up to 100 kN
  • Force recording up to 100 kN
  • Displacement measuring system for recording the punch displacement
  • Subsequent measurement of strain using optical measuring systems (gom ARGUS)


  • Cupping tests according to DIN EN ISO 12004-2 to determine forming limit curves for different materials, sheet thicknesses and temperature ranges

Planar bi­axi­al test­ing ma­chine

Technical specifications

  • 4 actuators of two orthogonal load axes in one plane
  • Maximum forces per axis up to 25 kN
  • Force recording per axis up to 25 kN
  • Centre point control by actuator control
  • Displacement measuring system for recording the actuator movements
  • Determination of strains with optical measuring systems (gom ARAMIS)


  • Multi-axis tensile tests in the plane to determine the isotropic and anisotropic material behaviour of various polymers and fibre-reinforced plastics.