Nano­struc­tur­ing squee­gee

Fabrication of self-assembled colloidal nanospheres masks on solid surfaces by moving a droplet.

Squeegee apparatus:

  • Mobile substrate holder
  • Peltier sample table with adjustable temperature
  • Plexiglas glove box with dry gas inlet
  • Temperature and humidity monitoring
  • Adjustable tilt angle of the squeegee plate
  • In-situ observation with light microscope
  • Computerised control

Ten­siomet­er K100SF

Contact angle measurement on single fibres to analyse wettability.

  • Weight measurement: up to 3 g, resolution 0.1 µg
  • Sample stage position: range of motion 110 mm, resolution 0.1 µm, speed 0.09 - 500 mm/min

Drop Shape Ana­lyz­er DSA25E

Optical measurement of static and dynamic contact angles on solid surfaces (method of the resting drop), determination of solid surface energies and surface tensions of liquids (method of the hanging drop).

  • Lifting table (z-axis)
  • Software-controlled double dosing unit
  • Zoom lens, camera (resolution 656x492 px)

Trans­mis­sion elec­tron mi­cro­scopy

This area includes methods for self-assembled nanostructuring and surface characterisation as well as scanning and transmission electron microscopy for high-resolution imaging and analytics.

JEOL JEM-ARM200F: Cs-corrected ultra-high resolution field emission TEM/STEM

  • Accelerating voltage: 30 - 200 kV
  • Cold field emission source
  • Illumination-side Cs corrector with aberration correction up to 5th order (CEOS ASCOR)
  • TEM point resolution: 0.19 nm, information limit: 0.11 nm
  • STEM point resolution: 0.08 nm at 200 kV, ≤ 0.20 nm at 30 kV
  • Energy resolution ≤ 0.30 eV (FWHM ZLP)
  • 4k x 4k CMOS camera (Gatan OneView)
  • 2k x 2k CCD camera (Gatan UltraScan)
  • STEM BF, ABF, DF and HAADF detectors
  • 8-fold segmented STEM DF detector for differential phase contrast imaging
  • Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy system with SDD detector (JEOL)
  • Post-column energy filter for EELS, Dual-EELS and EFTEM (Gatan GIF Quantum ER)
  • Single-tilt, wide-angle and analytical double-tilt sample holder

Jeol JEM-2000FX

  • Accelerating voltage: 80 - 200 kV
  • Thermionic electron source (currently tungsten)
  • Point resolution ~0.3 nm
  • Sample holder: single tilt holder, 2 samples, max. tilt +/- 30°.
  • Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy system: EDAX with Be window
  • FastScan CCD camera (TVIPS)

Jeol JSM-6300F SEM

  • FEG emitter
  • Accelerating voltage: 0.2 - 30 kV
  • Detectors for secondary electrons and backscattered electrons
  • Point-electronic grid control and data acquisition unit